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                            Turbo Pascal Data Types 

  DECLARATION:  Identifier = Type;

      REMARKS:  There are five major classes of types in Turbo Pascal.
                A Type Identifier's scope is the block of code in which the
                type declaration occured.  A Type Identifier's scope does
                not include itself except for the Pointer Types.

  Pointer Type      Set of values that point to dynamic variables

  Procedure Type    Specifies parameters [and result] types for

  String Type       A sequence of characters with a dynamic length

  Simple Types:     Ordered sets of values

    Boolean Type      Logical True and False values
    Char Type         Set of values of the extended ASCII character set.
    Enumerated Type   Ordered sets of values enumerating the identifiers
                      that denotes the values
    Integer Type      ShortInt, Integer, LongInt, Byte and Word
    Ordinal Type      A subset of Simple Types
    Real              Subset of Real numbers that can be represented in
                      floating-point notation, in a fixed number of digits.
    SubRange Type     A range of values from an ordinal type

  Structured Type   Characterized by its component types

    Array Type        A fixed number of components of one type
    Record Type       Fixed number of components or fields of different types
    Set Type          Fixed number of components of a particular ordinal type
    File Type         Linear sequence of components of one type
    Object Type       Fixed number of components of either data or methods

See Also: Compatibility Type Declarations
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